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House League

NYHL House League 2024-2025


The Nashville Youth Hockey League is excited to announce House League registration is now open for the 2024-2025 fall season.  **House evaluation dates/times are at the bottom of the page** 

House Registration Link:









Termite (6U)


$450 (One Time Payment)

Sundays at 1:50-2:40 pm, occasional Saturday


No Evals

Starts 10/6

Mite Level (8U)


$900 (One Time Payment)

Wednesdays at 5:10-6:00 pm OR 6:10-7:00 pm

Friday 5:40-7:20 pm


2 Payments of $275 available (With $400 Deposit)

Squirt Level (10U)


$1000 (One Time Payment)

Monday at 5:40-6:30 pm OR Wednesday 5:30-6:20 pm

Saturday mornings


2 Payments of $337.50 available (with $400 Deposit)

Pee Wee Level (12U)


$1050(One Time Payment)

Monday at 6:40-7:30pm OR Wednesday 6:30-7:20pm OR 7:30-8:20pm

Saturday morning/afternoon


2 Payments of $350 available ($400 Deposit)

Bantam/Midget (16U)


$1150 (One Time Payment)

Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday night

Saturday evenings


2 Payments of $400 available ($400 Deposit


2024-2025 House Schedule Info:

Termite (2018-2020 Birth Years) – Sundays at 1:50-2:40pm (starting October 6th at 12:00pm until mid-March) *** NO Evaluations

Mite (2016-2017 Birth Years) – Wednesday practices at 5:10-6:00pm OR 6:10-7:00pm.  Games Friday 5:40-7:20pm.

Squirt (2014-2015 Birth Years) – Practice Monday at 5:40-6:30pm OR Wednesday 5:30-6:20pm, games early Saturday morning.

Peewee (2012-2013 Birth Years) - Practice Monday at 6:40-7:30pm OR Wednesday 6:30-7:20pm OR 7:30-8:20pm, games Saturday morning/early afternoon.

Bantam/Midget (2008-2011 Birth Years) – Practice Tuesday or Wednesday or Thursday, games Saturday evening.

**Mite through Bantam/Midget division playoffs will be the week of February 28-March 2nd**

**Fees and schedules are subject to change***

NYHL House League Fee Structure

Termite (6U), Birth years 2018-2020; $450.00

· Mite Level (8U), Birth Years 2016-2017; $900.00 (One-time payment) OR $400 Deposit and two payments of $275 (Initial Deposit due at registration, 11/1 payment and 12/1 payment)

· Squirt Level (10U), Birth Years 2014-2015; $1000.00 (One-time payment) OR $400 Deposit and two payments of $337 (Initial Deposit due at registration, 11/1 payment and 12/1 payment)

· Peewee Level (12U), Birth Years 2012-2013; $1050.00 (One-time payment) OR $400 deposit & two payments of $375 (Initial Deposit due at registration, 11/1 payment and 12/1 payment)

· Bantam/Midget (16U), Birth Years 2008-2011; $1150 (One-time payment) OR $400 deposit & two payments of $400 (Initial Deposit due at registration, 11/1 payment and 12/1 payment)

Important Note:

Travel players (A, AA or AAA) are not eligible to play in the NYHL House League.  There is NO checking in the Bantam/Midget division.

NYHL House Evaluations Schedule

**Termite House League starts Sunday, October 6th 12:00-12:50pm (No Evaluations) **

Termite League Page: 6U (Termite) (

 Mite House Evaluations (2016-2017 Birth Years):

League Page: 8U (Mites) (

Monday, September 23rd

5:40-6:30pm Rink A (Last Names A-K) Session #1

6:40-7:30pm Rink A (Last Names L-Z) Session #1

Friday, September 27th

5:40-6:30pm Rink A (Last Names A-K) Session #2

6:30-7:20pm Rink A (Last Names L-Z) Session #2

Week of September 30th Schedule:

  • Wednesday, October 2nd Mite age group will have skill sessions at 5:10 (Last Names A-K) and 6:10pm (Last Names L-Z)


Squirt House Evaluations (2014-2015 Birth Years):

League Page: 10U (Squirt) (

Wednesday, September 25th

5:10-6:00pm Rink A (Last Names A-K) Session #1

6:10-7:00pm Rink A (Last Names L-Z) Session #1

Saturday, September 28th

1:00-1:50pm Rink B (Last Names A-K) Session #2

2:00-2:50pm Rink B (Last Names L-Z) Session #2

Week of September 30th Schedule:

  • Monday, September 30th from 5:40-6:30pm Squirt (Last Names A-K) have a skills session. 
  • Wednesday, October 2nd from 5:30-6:20pm (Last Names L-Z) have a skills session.


Peewee House Evaluations (2012-2013 Birth Years):

League Page: 12U (Peewee) (

Wednesday, September 25th

5:30-6:20pm Rink B (Last Names A-K) Session #1

6:30-7:20pm Rink B (Last Names L-Z) Session #1

Saturday, September 28th

3:00-3:50pm Rink B (Last Names A-K) Session #2

4:00-4:50pm Rink B (Last Names L-Z) Session #2

Week of September 30th Schedule:

  • Monday, September 30th from 6:40-7:30pm Peewee (Last Names A-K) have a skills session.
  • Wednesday, October 2nd from 6:30-7:20pm (Last Names L-Z) have a skills session. **


Bantam/Midget House League (2008-2011 Birth Years)

League Page: 16U (Bantam/Midget) (

Tuesday, September 24th

7:55-8:45pm Rink A (Last Names A-K) Session #1

Wednesday, September 25th

7:30-8:20pm Rink B (Last Names L-Z) Session #1

Sunday, September 29th

1:50-2:40pm Rink A (Last Names A-K) Session #2

2:50-3:40pm Rink A (Last Names L-Z) Session #2

Week of September 30th Schedule:

  • Tuesday, October 1st from 7:55-8:45pm (Last Names A-K) have a skills session.
  • Wednesday, October 2nd from 7:30-8:20pm (Last Names L-Z) have a skills session


* Players must attend the correct evaluation as listed by last name.  All players must check-in prior to each evaluation. 

* All evaluations are at Centennial Sportsplex

* Times are subject to change


Important Notes:

Rosters will be posted the week of September 30th.  Once rosters are posted team schedules will be loaded to the team pages with practices starting the week of October 4th.  There are NO ice times the weekend of October 5th.


Schedule Summary:

  • Week of September 23rd - Evaluations
  • Week of September 30th – Skill Sessions
  • Week of October 7th – full schedule will begin (ice times during the week and weekends)
  • Sunday, October 6th – Termite 6U age group begins at 12:00-12:50pm
  • Weekend of October 19th or 26th – Games Begin

House All-Stars:

House All-Star tryouts will be the weekend of November 9th – more details to come.

Registration Link: